Lyons Virtual Tip Jar


Help Support Lyons Service Industry Workers

The state of Colorado has ordered all bars, restaurants, and other non-essential businesses to shutter. Many of our friends and neighbors depend on tips to make ends meet. This virtual tip jar is for local service industry staff - employees at bars, restaurants, cafes, etc - to post their Venmo or Paypal information so that customers, neighbors, and Lyons community members can continue to support them.

Many of us would regularly be patronizing bars, cafes, restaurants, and other businesses that have been ordered closed. Even if you are socially isolating, you can help to support our local service industry staff. Consider sending a "tip" to your favorite bartender, server, massage therapist, barista. Use the google sheet linked below to find their Venmo/Paypal info. Note that you can sort by each column heading or use "ctrl+f" to find the person you are looking for by name or place of employment. If you don't see your favorite service industry folks listed, encourage them to come and fill out the form (see below). Please circulate widely.

The information on this list is self-reported by members of the community and this information is provided "as is". Lyons Virtual Tip Jar does not monitor or verify accuracy of the information on this list, and makes no representations or warranties regarding this list. Individuals who wish to send a tip are encouraged to independently verify the legitimacy of the recipient of the tip.